Summer Camp
For six weeks each summer, we offer a summer camp for children ages 2 through kindergarten. Our camp runs Monday through Thursday from 9:30am to 1pm. Extended care is available until 3pm. Campers experience a wide array of activities including music, art, science, cooking, discovery, games, water play, special events and more! Stop by or call for more information!
Sign-ups begin March 25th for current students, March 31st for former families and students registered for the up coming school year. Open registration will be April 2nd for everyone else! Campers need to be age 2 by September 1st, 2024 and not to exceed current VPK graduates & previous LWP students up to age 6. Future 2-year-olds who are enrolled for the 2025-2026 school year, may attend week 5.
Sessions run Monday – Thursday
Session 1: Sports Mania
June 2-5
Session 2: Superheroes
June 9-12
Session 3: Bugs are Rad
June 16-19
Session 4: Commotion in the Ocean
June 23-26
Session 5: Zoo Adventures
July 7-10
Session 6: It’s All Rainbows
July 14-17
Regular Day Camp- 9:30am-1:00pm, Monday-Thursday- $175/week
Long Day Camp- 9:30-3:00pm, Monday-Thursday- $225/week
- Daily Extended Day is available on a first come, first serve basis each day until 3 pm for a fee of $20 per day if available. Sign up each morning.
A $50 deposit required to hold your spot. The remaining balance is due one
week before your camper arrives.
Already a camper? Here is some great information to make your week even more fun:
- Please provide lunch and a water bottle for your child each day.
- We will provide a morning snack.
- Children should wear play clothes and sneakers. All sandals must be fastened at the ankle.
- Flip flops are permitted Thursdays for Water Play Day only, but water shoes are preferable. Children arrive ready in their bathing suits. Please apply sunscreen on your child before arriving at camp. Bring a labeled beach towel and change of clothes.
- You need to park and walk your child to the Breeze Way and sign in each day. We will utilize carline for dismissal.
- Please send in tuition the week prior to camp (include any remaining balance owed).